About Old Thornhill
Old Thornhill takes its name from Benjamin Thorne who settled here in 1820. The settlement became known as Thorne's Mills, and subsequently Thorne's Hill, and finally Thornhill. Spanning east from Yonge St, to Bayview Ave, and Grandview Ave, north till John St. Today, in Old Thornhill along Yonge Street, over one hundred historic buildings stand as reminders of Thornhill's past. Every year we celebrate our community by hosting the Thornhill Village (Wheatsheaf) Festival which was started in 1977 to draw attention to the "Old Town". In Old Thornhill you can find a variety of schools and religious centers, including; Temple Har Zion, Imam Mahdi Islamic Centre and Cham Shan Temple.

Old Thornhill Market Statistics
Average Sold Price
Number of Sold
Ave Days On Market
Ave Sold to List Price
Within the last 30 days - Updated on
Market Activity
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Average Market Price
The chart below displays the monthly trend of average market price for all type of properties in . Note that each point on this chart demonstrates the average sold price of the properties in a given period, and may fluctuate severely if the quality and standards of the listed properties vary greatly.

Benchmark Price
3 Years Growth

Benchmark Price
3 Years Growth

Benchmark Price
3 Years Growth

Benchmark Price
3 Years Growth
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